For Men

Do You Think She’s Pregnant?

You’re not alone in this situation. Together, you and she can navigate through this. Now, more than ever, she needs your support. It’s crucial that you offer her both emotional and physical care during this time. Here’s how you can help:

What to Do:

  • Talk and Listen: Keep communication open at all times. Don’t shut down emotionally—it’s important for both of you to stay connected, as this situation affects more than just you.
  • Be There for Her: She needs your presence and support now more than ever. Be by her side through this.
  • Talk with Those Who Care: Along with staying open with her, it’s important to involve others who will be directly impacted, like her parents or family members. Keeping this to yourselves will only increase the stress for both of you.
  • Educate Yourself: Gather information, talk to trusted individuals, and learn about the options available.
  • Be Honest: Share your feelings openly with her and with yourself. It might surprise you how much your honesty will help her, and it will strengthen your bond as you face this together.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t Avoid Your Responsibilities: Avoiding the situation will only make things more difficult for everyone. Face it together, now and in the future.
  • Don’t Pressure Her: Respect that this is a decision you both need to make together. You’re a team now—work as one.
  • Don’t Stop Communicating: Keep sharing your thoughts and feelings. Offer your input when necessary and stay involved. Communication is key.