Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Your Health
Whenever you engage in sexual or sex-like activities with a partner, there’s always a risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). While condoms and other barrier methods can reduce the risk, they don’t eliminate it entirely. Many STIs have no obvious symptoms, which is why regular testing is essential. [1][3]
If you’ve had sex or sex-like activity, you could be at risk for an STI. Many STIs are treatable if caught early and often don’t result in long-term effects. However, if left untreated, they can cause lasting damage. This makes early detection and testing very important. Even if you don’t have any signs or symptoms, you can still have and transmit an STI to your partner(s). While your partner may claim to have been tested, there’s no way to verify their status unless both of you are tested. The only way to completely eliminate the risk of contracting an STI is through abstinence from all sexual activities.
Any time you engage in sex or sex-like activities, you’re at risk for contracting an STI. Condoms and other barrier methods reduce the risk but don’t completely eliminate it. Abstinence—avoiding vaginal, oral, or anal sex—is the only way to fully prevent STIs. [2]
Many STIs can be cured with antibiotics or other treatments. It’s important to speak with your doctor to begin a treatment plan right away. Until then, refrain from any sexual activity to prevent transmitting the infection. There is support and healing available after an STI diagnosis. Call us today for confidential, nonjudgmental help from a peer consultant.
Anyone who has engaged in sex or sex-like activities with a partner should get tested, regardless of age. [1]
Unfortunately, some people may lie about their STI status or sexual history. Getting to know your partner before engaging in sexual activity can’t guarantee their honesty about their health. You are always at risk when engaging in sex or sex-like activities with a partner.
If you’ve had sex or sex-like activity with someone who has an STI, you should get tested immediately and stop all sexual contact.
In the U.S., 110 million people are living with STIs. We’re here to help, no matter your situation. We can connect you to STI testing in your area and offer support and guidance, regardless of your test results. Getting tested is easy, quick, and harmless. Call us today for confidential support.
[1] STD Testing – What’s Right for You? Mayo Clinic Website: Last modified September 16, 2020. Retrieved December 13, 2021.
[2] Sexually Transmitted Diseases Data and Statistics. Center for Disease Control and Prevention Website: Last Modified December 1, 2021. Retrieved December 13, 2021.
[3] Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevalence, Incidence, and Cost Estimates in the United States Website: Last Modified January 25, 2021. Retrieved December 13, 2021.
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Erie, PA 16509
© 2024 Women’s Care Center of Erie County, Inc.
Women’s Care Center does not refer or perform abortions.